Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Reflective Practice (August-December 2012)

Statement of Intent.

Human beings fascinate me, why do people look like they do?
What is individuality? (Above and below the surface.)
Over the summer I looked into this and the topic of the 'Freak Show' instantly grabbed my attention.
I spent some time looking into the acts which appeared in these shows. Most people involved were medical anomalies. I intended to look further into this and became more aware that even now, people are still interested in the bizarre side of the medical world.
As well as finding a topic to research, I also wanted to experiment with different media and processes. Primarily being a pen and ink based illustrator this is something I have wanted to do for quite some time (new experiences and ways of thinking.) I have used paint, different printing processes and also collage so far. For me this has been mainly a chance to have fun, letting loose with image making and enjoying the freedom.
The next step for me will be to develop and further my use of different processes and perhaps taking images that I create and introducing them to different surroundings ie. drawings with collage or paintings with photography.
Using different types of media together interests me highly.
Keeping the topic of the 'Freak Shows' and the different media I experimented with, I intend to collect a number of sketches, paintings, prints and collages, and combine them all together in one format.
The format which interests me the most is the simple book. The fanzine layout and appearance interests me, the quick rough and ready look and feel to them. I will look into different fanzine and magazine styles to get some ideas for reference.
With the intention of creating a book, I’ll need to look into fonts and writing and how to space and fit them on a page. I won't necessarily need a lot of writing, maybe just a few lines to go with the images.

Reflective Practice Review.

For this project I was exploring a way of making 2D coexist with 3D on the theme of creating a Freak Show. After creating a few images which was based on this, it soon became apparent that it wasn't working. The drawings which I had placed with the live action objects didn't fit together, even when completed they still did not look like finished pieces.
Previously experimenting with media I had created a mermaid using a fish tail and a doll. I found this way of making so much more engaging. It allowed me to go through the process of finding the right fish the right doll, and then having to create a set to photograph them in.
From this image, I went back to designing more things which I could create. I wanted to have the same running theme within all of the pieces. Like the original photograph of the mermaid I kept the chopping block as the stage and the white foam board of the set as the background. With these two things it gave the images a more scientific feel. Much like a specimen in a autopsy laboratory, which wasn't a theme I was aiming for but achieved and decided to keep.
My goal was to create six of these oddities while using found or bought objects. If the objects I was trying to put together didn't fit, I would photograph them separately in the set and then use Adobe Photoshop to merge them. I found this way of working a lot more productive, it wasn't nearly as time consuming either.
The original six I had created didn't work as a sequence when laid out together, some were more striking than others. The six got slimmed down to four. The four that I had collected consisted of the mermaid, a squid lady, a angel and a two headed cat.
With the four I had I ideally wanted to put them together in the same space. I am trying to make my own Freak Show, therefore I’m trying to promote. I went through the process of creating single posters for each oddity just to see if they worked as well on their own. The layout for the posters was kept all the same, but individually they didn't work. As a group they had more impact, and were visually more interesting. From this experiment I tried creating a single poster which involved all of them. It was also at this time that I decided to play with colour. By turning the images greyscale and playing with the contrast it gave off a grunge feel. The contrast gave my freaks the freak feel they needed. I created the poster with all of them on but kept one coloured while the other was greyscale. I did this because I wanted to see which was more successful.
I felt that creating a Freak Show became a finalized idea when I decided to make them instead of trying to find a way to make 2D coexist with 3D. It simply came down to the fact that the 3D images I created were material things, they worked and fitted together. They also had the appearance of being able to reach out and touch them, whereas the 2D / 3D images just didn't look convincing. Overall I’m happy with my Freak Show acts, if I were to do this again I’d try and create more than four like I originally wanted to do.

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